Egg plant
Eggplants come in many different shapes and colours, relative to the ethnic groups. Eggplants are a source of folic acid. CULTURE: Eggplant is a warm season plant similar to Tomatoes. .

Black King Hybrid

Early productive eggplant with extra large fruits. Medium-sized plants are strong and suited to outdoor and cold frame growing. Long oval fruit are 500-680g (1.5lb) with attractive shiny dark black colour and green calyxes. Tolerant to bacterial wilt.


There are two food products from these plants, fruits and leaves.

Fruits Typically in Africa, the garden egg is chopped, cooked and mixed into a variety of vegetable, meat, or fish stews and sauces. Although bitter taste is a major characteristic, many African eggplants are sweet or bland, especially in the immature stages in which they are eaten. The unripe fruits are usually cooked in a sauce after being chopped, parboiled, ground, or otherwise prepared. Peeling is unnecessary because the skin becomes tender enough to be consumed along with the rest. They are among the few vegetables that reach full flavor only after being cooked beyond the crisp stage.

Leaves Africans eat the leaves of at least certain types of the Gilo Group eggplants. Although these leaves are high in solanine, which is toxic,
